Calligrapher, Doctor of Arts, majoring in Arabic Calligraphy, professor the Art of Arabic Calligraphy at Al-Balqa Applied University
Ebru Art Promotion Director in Integra Art, Russia, artist, mosaic artist and calligrapher
Fellow member of the Artists’ Union of Tatarstan, Chamber of the Art Craft and Skills of Tatarstan, calligrapher, textologist, teacher, laureate of the Tukay state prize of the Republic of Tatarstan
Calligrapher, calligraphy teacher, assistant professor, Chair of Environment and Graphic Design, the Ural State Academy of Art and Architecture
Calligrapher, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Candidate of Art History, Professor, member of the Union of Artists of Russia
Honoured Artist of Russia, a corresponding member of the Academy of Humanities, a professor, an author and manager of numerous art exhibitions.
Calligraphy is a remedy and mental gymnastics.