Culture of graffiti was born in USA on streets of Philadelphia as times passed it was spreading in New York. In 80-s of XX century directors of art-galleries expressed deep interest in works of writers pointing out artistic and commercial potential of street artists . The first question was how to exhibit their works. In order to put into practice some works must be copied on canvas otherwise it was impossible to transfer them for exhibitions abroad let alone selling.
When starting new business it’s natural to make mistakes. Masters give advice in order to evade typical mistakes.
Graffiti is widespreading lately and has almost acquired a status of art . Graffiti became a fashion trend and many people get involved due to its fashion reputation and wish to be famous. There’s no problem about it, but one should remember that professional writers don’t tell their names, one can know them only by tag: they work on city streets, often in nights creating real masterpieces of street-art . Get prepared to overcome difficulties in the beginning of your career.
Calligraphy is a remedy and mental gymnastics.