Grigori Rasputin was a Siberian healer who was confidant of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna because of his ability to heal Tsarevitch Alexei's haemophilia through hypnosis.
Count Bobrinsky was one of the influential parliamentarians of the time.
The material was granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
Correspondence of Count Chancellor Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev and General Nikolay Nikolaevich Raevsky.
Count Rumyantsev was an outstanding Russian politician, diplomat, educator, philanthropist and collector.
General Raevsky was a great Russian general who achieved fame for his feats of arms during the military campaigns in Central Asia, Serbian-Turkish war and Patriotic War of 1812; cavalry general
The material granted by Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
An abstract from Alexander Radischev's Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow.
Though it is Radischev's most famous work, Alexander Pushkin wrote about it: "the cause of his misfortune and fame is a mediocre book, not to mention its barbarian language".
The material granted by Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
"Delightful Letter" is the inflammatory proclamation that called peasants to "Kill the betrayer boyars". For this the leader of the rebels promised people "freedom and salvage".
It is the only charter signed by Stepan Razin that survived till present days.
The material was granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
It is the largest Russian chronicle in terms of chronology and events mentioned.
It is named after Patriarch Nikon who owned one of the copies.
The Chronicle is a huge compilation based on a wide range of ancient manuscripts many of which haven't survived.
The material granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
Written in half-uncial script.
The material granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
Enfeoffment and giving patent of the Great Duke of Moscow Ivan III to his nephews.
Uncial combined with cursive.
The material granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
It was the legal code of the Kievan Rus and the subsequent Rus' principalities during the times of feudal division. Written in uncial script.
The material was granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
Uncial writing.
The material was granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
An agreement charter of Veliky Novgorod with the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Tver, Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is the first agreement charter that survived to this day. It is the most ancient document in the collection of old acts of the State Archive of Charters and Manuscripts of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents.
The material was granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
It is one of the most ancient Gospels.
A Lectionary is a book or listing that contains a collection of scripture readings appointed for Christian worship on a given day or occasion. A Lectionary provides for a Gospel to be read on each day.
The material was granted by the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents.
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)