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Nikolay Voronin

Nikolay Voronin

Nikolay Voronin

Samara, Russia

Freelance designer, typography, calligraphy and heraldry artist


Nikolay Voronin was born on October 28, 1980, in Kurmanaevka village, and later applied to Samara State Technical University. Since 2015 he has been engaged in the art of calligraphy and lettering. Two years later he organized a personal exhibition of the workshop “Letter. Word. Calligraphy. The 1000 Years of European Writing History”.

Author works

The Time

Canson Moulin du Rou paper, koh-i-noor ink, “White Nights” watercolours by Nevskaya Palitra, pointed and broad nibs and brushes. Watercolours, Roman Capital Copperplate, 300 x 400 mm, 2017

Experience of the Generations

Designer paper, Walnut Ink Crystals, pointed and broad nibs. Mixed technique. 360 x 505 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1647 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.