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Nikola Klanicová

Nikola Klanicová

Nikola Klanicová

Brno, Czech Republic



2002 – 2014 studio of applied calligraphy Krasopis

2007 – Masters´s degree in Geology. Topic: Regular pattern formation in geological objects

2005 Exemplary work was published in “The beauty of writing“ book by Miluse Pokorna

Author works

Landscape of the soul I

Paper, K2CrO4, CuSO4, sumi ink, diameter 31cm , 2014

Reality is infinitely various

Hand made paper, ink, gesso, silverpoint, wax, gouache. Calligraphy, painting, 580 x 420 mm, 2017

The Dear Soul Inborn In Every Human Being

Calligraphy, painting. Hand made paper, ink, gesso, gold, silverpoint, gouache, 550 х 750 mm, 2015
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Exhibition opens in 1618 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the flower of a man′ s soul.