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Natalya Bakke and Nina Kozubova

Natalya  Bakke and Nina Kozubova

Natalya Bakke and Nina Kozubova

Reno, USA; Moscow, Russia

Calligraphers, graphic artists


Nina Kozubova, Natalya Bakke (twins; maiden name the Smirnovs).
They were born in 1976 in the town of Rzhev, Tver Oblast.

In 1998, they studied drawing under Nikolay Safronov’s instruction.

In 2000, they graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts, the faculty for graphical arts.
Nina lives in Moscow, Natalya in the USA.

They carry out joint and individual projects in printed and advertising graphic art, calligraphy. They are the followers of Georgy Kozubov’s calligraphy school.

Exhibitions and contests:

1995 — They won a tender for participation in the municipal project in 1995-1998, for transformation of Rzhev’s artistic and architectural face.
1998 — young talents« artistic exhibition and creative gathering, Rzhev exhibition hall
1999 — they took part in the Book Space: 20th Century exhibition, at the Yaroslavl Art Museum, Yaroslavl
2002 — prize winners of the Fifth Open District Stroganov Festival of Young Designers in the Graphic Design and Advertising category, Moscow.
2003 — participants in a graphic art exhibition at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts museum, Moscow
2003 — participated in a graphic art exhibition in the Central House of Artists at Krymsky Val, Moscow.
2005— participated in the Grand Etiquette 2005 international exhibition in the Labels for Commodity Goods exhibition. Development of a series of labels for WELT disinfectants, Moscow

Implemented Projects:

RAINBOW HEAVEN ENGLISH, development and implementation of an educational project for children, Rzhev

The Rzhevskaya Pravda newspaper. Layout and logo development, Rzhev

Layout development for The New Women’s House magazine, Moscow.

Graphic art package for Ivan Chai tea company, Moscow; logo, corporate graphic art, advertising brochure for Medved-Tour travel agency, Moscow

Corporate style and advertising graphic art for WELT Company.

Logo and corporate style for the Medical and Biological Protection National Union, Moscow/Orenburg

SCI Specialty Coatings Incorporated,
Logo, business and promo graphic art package, U.S.A.

The Lodge At Galena beerhouse chain.
Logo, business and promo graphic art package, U.S.A.

DLBakke Residential Designer
Logo, business and promo graphic art package, U.S.A.

Sushi Moto restaurant
Logo, business and promo graphic art package, U.S.A.

Logo and corporate style for KOR STUDIOS fitness studio, U.S.A.

Logo and corporate style for FINSKA CONTRACTORS, U.S.A.

Logo and corporate style for Infinity Engineering, U.S.A.

Logo and corporate style for Keen Concepts granite workshop, U.S.A.

Business, promo and exhibition graphic art package for PARKETOFF (in co-authorship with Georgy Kozubov), Moscow.

Promo graphic art package for Murrieta`s chain of restaurants, U.S.A.

Author works

Wedding cards

Paper, ink, English nib Osmiroid, 10x13 cm, 2009

A calligraphic composition – Dedication

Paper, brush, 47х76 cm, 2005

Calligraphy composition “Union”

Writing paper, watercolor, sharp-pointed nib pen, authors technique, 34x9,5 cm, 2008

Table cards for the restaurant chain "Murietta`s"

Paper, ink, pen, round-nibbed brushes, acryl, digital page planning, 2008
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Exhibition opens in 1647 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)