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Chinese calligraphers

China has always been famous for its calligraphy. The hieroglyphs designed by the master enchant us with beauty and mystique. A lot of Chinese publishing houses, like the Painting and Calligraphy publishing house, issue specialized literature on calligraphy. Many artists are fellow members of calligraphic societies. Calligraphy in China is a kind of everyday life, and the Chinese come across it more often than the Europeans. That is why, to gain the fame of a prominent master it is not sufficient to be born in China, the country that didn’t forget and refuse calligraphy; it is necessary to prove that you are one of the best, the one who can depict the mood and sense with one brush stroke.

Chinese masters

Chinese Calligraphy
Chinese Calligraphy

Wan Chun-Li

He was born in 1944. In 1960 he graduated from the Shanghai Polygraphic Institute, as an expert in watermark. At present time he is the Head of the Watermark Technology Department at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Zhou Zhigao

He was born in 1945 in Singhua, Jiangsu province. At present time he is the head of the periodical department copydesk of the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house and the chief editor of the Calligraphy magazine; a permanent member of the 1st and 2nd Chinese Calligraphers’ Association general committee and a member of the committee for selection and examination of the third Chinese Calligraphers’ Association; honourary secretary of the Association of Masters of Calligraphy and Painting of famous historical and cultural cities of China; Scientific consultant of the Filipino Scientific Society for Chinese Calligraphy; member of the general committee of the Shanghai Cultural Exchange Association. Professor of the Shanghai University Literature Department.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Fang Chuan-Sing

He was born in 1948 in Shanghai. The motherland of his forefathers is in province Zhejiang, Ing county. At present time he is the editor at the Painting and Calligraphy publishing house; Professor at the Chinese Calligraphers’ Association Training Centre; member of the Chinese Calligraphers’ Association Hard Brush Committee; Honourary Professor of the Hong-Kong Institute of Fine Arts; Scientific consultant of the Filipino Scientific Society for Chinese Calligraphy; permanent member of the Shanghai Calligraphic Association. His calligraphic works were exhibited at seven All-Chinese calligraphic exhibitions as well as in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, the USA, Germany, Canada and some other countries; and in Taiwan, Hong-Kong and Macao he had over 10 exhibitions. His works are exhibited in ten museums and art galleries. In 1997 he was included in the New-York Biographical Centre list of world-famous people. The books by Fang Chuang-Sin: One Hundred Selected Poems of Various Dynasties; 3500 of High-Usage Research Manuscripts (the handwritten text of Lishu) and some other books. He is a prize-winner of the 1st Assembly of Shanghai Writing Art.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Zhuan Sing-Sin

He was born in 1950. His pseudo name Sing-Sin is formed of his Mother’s name. He was born in Jiangsu, Ujiing county. At present time he is the editor at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house; fellow of the Chinese Calligraphers’ Association.  He is capable of calligraphy and seal carving. Author’s works: The Procedure of Seal Engraving, Research and Examination on the State Seal Production in the period of Rivaling Kingdoms, Large Collection of Old Imperial Seals, Collection of Tsing and Hang Seals, Comparison and Changes in the State Seal Production in the Period of Rivaling Kingdoms, Technique and Methods of Seal Engraving in Pictures, The Imprints of Modern Famous Masters of Calligraphy and Painting, The Seal Engraving in the Min and Tsing Epochs, etc. In cooperation with other authors he issued: Usage of Zhuan-Shu Dictionary, Usage of Lishu Dictionary, The Full Collection of Engraved Chinese Imperial Seals, Glossary on Chinese Calligraphy and Engraving, etc. 

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Zhan Wai-Shen

He was born in 1954, in Jiangsu province, the city of Suzhou. At present time he is a fellow of the Chinese Calligraphers’ Association, fellow member of the Shanghai Calligraphers’ Association general committee, Assistant Editor at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house and editor of the Calligraphy and Painting magazine. The author’s calligraphic works were often exhibited at local and international calligraphic exhibitions; he was awarded with the Sezhilu prize for his calligraphic works. He also does research in theoretical calligraphy. He published over 20 research articles and 10 monographic books on the art of calligraphy.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Zhou Pin

She was born in 1943. In 1963 she graduated from the Shanghai Polygraphic Institute, the Book Design and Projecting department. After the graduation she worked as the Art Director at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house, is an expert in the traditional Chinese painting (birds and flowers) and especially, peony painting. Her works were issued by a number of publishing houses. She is a winner of the Henan Chinese Art Academy prize and the Go-hua All-Chinese Art Exhibition of the National Peony Painting prize.

Китайская каллиграфия
Chinese calligraphers

Ling Ye

He was born in Fuzhou in 1926. In 1947 he graduated from the Faculty of Western Painting in the Meizhuang Institute, Shanghai. Later on he worked in the Shanghai Association of Fine Art Experts and Shanghai Association of Wood and Applied art. After the victory over the Japanese occupiers he participated in all the students’ campaigns launched by the underground communist party of the Meizhuang University. Since February 1949 he had taken part in the revolution, and in 1955 after his demobilization from the armoured forces he changed his job and gave himself to the profession of the Art Director at the publishing houses Shanghai Culture, Literature and Art of Shanghai, Painting and Calligraphy where he worked till his retirement in 1988.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Yan Guang-Ping

He was born in November 1945 in Shanghai. He studied at the Shanghai Institute of Fine Arts, the Department of Art Works. At present time he is the editor at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house, fellow of the Shanghai Association of Industrial Design. His works of art were exhibited at the All-Chinese Exhibition of Book Design and some other art exhibitions and won a lot of prizes.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Shang Peifang

He was born in 1949. At present time he works at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house as the Assistant Editor. He is a fellow of the Chinese Calligraphers’ Association, member of the Shanghai Calligraphers’ Association general committee, and the leader of the Blue Water reading group.

Chinese calligraphers
Chinese calligraphers

Chen Syang

He was born in Shanghai in 1963. In 1985 he graduated from the Fudang University, the Faculty of the Chinese Language.  At present time he is the Assistant Chief Editor at the Painting and Calligraphy Shanghai publishing house, fellow of the Shanghai Association of Art Workers. His works: Historical Essay on West-European Art, Creativity and Eternity, History of Western Painting (Vol. 1, 2) Coubert. 

Exhibition opens in 1510 days
Words Of Wisdom
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.