Word “ink” in Russian language “chernyla” derives from”cherny” that means “black” as in the case of Sweden – bläck, in Finland – muste. However, colored inks (not only that of black) are known from ancient times.
For a long time up to the mid-XX century ink was a distinct material. It was kept in special reservoir, an inkpot, where the person who wrote put in his pen.
A technical pen is a specialized instrument used by an engineer, architect or draftsperson to make lines of constant width for architectural, engineering or technical drawings. It has been also generally called "rapidograph", although that particular name has officially remained a proper name for a line of products made by German company Rotring. Comparing with pens it has an important advantage: one need not fill it up constantly. Rapidograph is equipped with a tube and a special bottle of ink. Inside the tube there is a thin point which makes ink flow constant and reliable.
Light pen is an electronic nib, a computer input device in the form of a light-sensitive wand used in conjunction with a the computer's CRT TV set or monitor. It allows the user to point to displayed objects, or draw on the screen, in a similar way to a touch screen but with greater positional accuracy. In colloquial speech it is often called “stylus”. In ancient times the same word was used for a tool applied for writing on a board.
We get used to things surrounding us. They become common details of the environment, but if one imagine their absence for a while it is obvious how essential they are.
Pens became articles of daily necessity long ago. Despite phone numbers are easy to input in electronic phone book of every cell phone, letters re typed with a key-note and sent through e-mail, pen is no doubt a living essential.
For many people pencils are associated with childhood . Every child learns painting with felt-pens or pencils, but more often with pencils.
Russian word for pencil “karandash” derives from combination of two Turkish words – “kara” (black) and “dash” (stone). It is a writing device wooden shaft-form with slate heart. Pencil as a writing instrument is known for four hundreds years already. .
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.