In childhood writing is just shaping. So parents have to be extremely attentive to the period where the basis for writing is laid. Since it’s easier to learn than to re-learn.
Lately various techniques of adjusting personal traits of character have been spreading lately. One of such technique is graphotherapy : exercises of sketching, writing and painting, sometimes using music in order to realize and in future to undesirable traits.
Graphopathy is a writing pathology, certain psychic and intellectual dysfunctions, neurosis, haunting conditions, discovered in writing activity. Those who suffer from this dysfunction is called “graphopat”.
For many years graphology has been treated as a pseudoscience mainly due to subjectivity of the allotted marks. Science is known to be based on the checked facts which in graphology can’t always serve as a proof. Nevertheless this is science but not a science in a mathematical sense of word. Nor is medicine: diagnosis depends to a large extent on the experience of a specialist. Nowadays attitude towards graphology and graphologists is changing.
First book on graphology was written by Italian professor of graphology Camillo Baldo and was published long ago in 1622. Word “graphology” was introduced later. It was invented by abbot Misheon, student of Flandren, his book System of graphology was published in 1872 . Since then books on graphology began publishing in large quantities.
The antiquity were trying to understand the human character through his handwriting. This fact is proved in many historical documents.
Specialists say that it is not a hand that writes – but it is the brain. The graphology is based on motor skills, psychology, psychics and physiology. Handwriting and signature can reveal the emotional state of the writer, his personality, gender, age and state of health. The handwriting is formed during the first twenty years and stays unchanged during the whole life. A normal personality is not subject to frequent changes, that is why if the handwriting is changed that means was influenced by mood changes and temporary factors. The graphologic analysis shows the emotional-conative and personality qualities. Some mental diseases greatly change the handwriting.
Graphology which has not been widely spread is gaining recent popularity. There are very few professional graphologists. The existing scientific and popular-scientific books on graphology provide the opportunities for everyone interested in the discipline to learn something new. Graphology is especially valuable for its possible practical application.
Calligraphy is the flower of a man′ s soul.