News on Autoradio. The largest in the world calligraphy exhibition opened today in a new pavilion of Moscow's Sokolniki exhibition center. Director of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy Alexey Shaburov with details. October 14, 2009, 4pm.
News on Kultura broadcasting company. The IV International Exhibition of Calligraphy. November 1, 2012, noon.
Special guest - a representative of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. December 12, 2012
News on Kultura broadcasting company. The IV International Exhibition of Calligraphy. November 1, 2012, 4 pm.
Slavia GTRK. Citizens of Velikiy Novgorod are awaiting of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy to start its work. September 8, 2010.
News on Kultura broadcasting company. The IV International Exhibition of Calligraphy. November 1, 2012, 10 pm.
Samples of invitation drawings for the International Exhibition of Calligraphy. On the air from August 23 to September 10, 2010.
Face Time on Radio Liberty with Calligraphy VS. Penmanship of September 14, 2010.
News on Kultura broadcasting company. The II International exhibition of calligraphy was closed in Moscow today. Today was the last day when every art lover could enjoy the rare art pieces. Results and brief outline in the interview with Alexey Shaburov, the Project Director. November 14, 2009, 8 pm.
News on Kultura broadcasting company. Today is the last working day of the II International exhibition of calligraphy. During the closing ceremony famous calligraphers will act in live performances, and in the end there will be a small surprise. Tells the Project Director Alexey Shaburov. November 14, 2009, 3 pm.
News on Kultura broadcasting company. The II International exhibition of calligraphy closes today in Moscow. The exhibition outline in an exclusive interview with the Project Director Alexey Shaburov. November 14, 2009, 2 pm.
News on Autoradio. The largest in the world calligraphy exhibition opened today in a new pavilion of Moscow's Sokolniki exhibition center. Director of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy Alexey Shaburov with details. October 14, 2009.
News on CITY-FM radio. All Moscow's events. Live broadcast from Mezuzah presentation at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. Report by CITY-FM personal correspondent. Broadcasting August 14, 2009 (day program)
News on CITY-FM. The World famous Mezuzah will be revealed to Moscow audience today. This exhibit is displayed at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy in Sokolniki. Interview with Alexey Shaburov. Broadcasting August 14, 2009 (morning)
News on VGTRK “Radio of Russia”: the theme is the opening of a first Russian Museum of Calligraphy. Air date is August 1, 2008; news broadcast is at 5 pm.
News on VGTRK “Radio of Russia”: the theme is the opening of a first Russian Museum of Calligraphy. Air date is August 1, 2008; news broadcast is at 7 pm.
News on VGTRK “Radio of Russia”: the theme is the opening of a first Russian Museum of Calligraphy. Air date is August 1, 2008; news broadcast is at 10 pm.
Second interview by the President of ECC Sokolniki broadcasted at the Culture radio station.
Interview by the participant of International Exhibition of Calligraphy Avraham-Hersh Borshevsky broadcasted at the Radio Russia radio station
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.