The long-awaited diesel locomotive TU7A is now a focus of attention in the museum. The first inspection upon its arrival showed that it was 100% possible for the locomotive to launch and go into full operation, but that required investments of effort and resources.
This year marks the 245th anniversary of E. T. A. Hoffmann, and 205 years since the first edition of his fairy tales, including “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”.
The Irbit Museum of the History of Technology devotes great attention to the patriotic education of the youth in the Sverdlovsk region and actively pursues contracts and cooperation agreements.
Another legendary aircraft has been added to the collection of the Vadim Zadorozhny Vehicle Museum.
Museum of Tricks and Illusions, an interactive exhibition for the whole family. Optical illusions and secrets of magic tricks.
Музей деревенской жизни и истории села «Гостеприимный дом бабушки Марии» призван музеефицировать один из последних уголков старинной жизни села Хвощеватка Рамонского района Воронежской области: мемориальную избу начала XX в. с усадьбой, где более ста лет жила крестьянская семья Парфеновых – коренных жителей села.
A new member has joined the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia — the Cultural and Educational Complex Ataman’s Hut from Krasnodar Krai.
A new member was added to the Catalog of the Association of Private and People's Museums of Russia — Museum of the "Sports Veterans" Foundation for Sports Support and Development. The founder and owner of the museum is Alexander Pavlovich Starostin.
The projects are supported by the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and the Ministry of the Interior of the Murmansk Region.
Dear friends, members of the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of the All-Russian volunteer social movement “Volunteer Squadron of the Combat Brotherhood” visited our museum.
One of the most memorable events of the past 2021 year was the anniversary of our oldest craftswoman Nina Petrovna Bornyakova. 80 years is no joke!
On January 29, 2022, a unique ice exhibition symbolizing the wildlife of the Oka State Biosphere Reserve opened at the recreation park “Our Orekhovo”.
Dear friends, colleagues, readers! We are happy to inform you that this time we managed not only to cover the fascinating stories of museums from all over the country but also to tell about new members of the Association.
On January 29, 2022, a unique ice exhibition symbolizing the wildlife of the Oka State Biosphere Reserve opens at the recreation park “Our Orekhovo”.
Dear friends, don’t forget that you can come and see ice sculptures and take beautiful photos every day until February 15.
On January 15, 2022, a new unique project, the Ice Sculpture Festival “OUR Orekhovo”, opened in the village of Orekhovo in the Spassky district of the Ryazan region.
The Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia welcomes a new member from the Vologda region — the Museum of Retro Cars The founder and owner of the museum is LLC MAGISTRALSERVICE.
The first event of 2002 took place in Orekhovo and exceeded the expectations of both guests and hosts.
Dear friends, we are looking forward to meeting you this Saturday, on January 15, at our usual spot — the main square of Orekhovo village in the Spassky district in the Ryazan region.
In Orekhovo, preparations are in full swing for the opening of the Ice Sculpture Festival, which will take place on January 15, 2022. The first ice figure completed by specialists from the IceBuilding company is a tiger.
Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)