The Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia welcomes a new member from the Vologda region — the Museum of Retro Cars The founder and owner of the museum is LLC MAGISTRALSERVICE.
The multifunctional complex was initially built with the idea in mind that it would house the Museum of Retro Cars because the owner of the complex was a big fan of old cars. By the time the complex was built, there were five exhibits in the museum. Today, the collection contains seven cars and four models of motorcycles.
MAGISTRALSERVICE makes sure you get maximum comfort during your visit to the Pridorozhny complex. You can visit the modern Museum of Retro Cars and immerse yourself into the atmosphere of the Soviet era. The Museum of Retro Cars provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beauty and the elegance of rare Soviet cars and plunge into the atmosphere of that time. In addition, it’s a chance to take a break from the road trip, make something different in your leisure time and learn something new.
In the museum, you can learn to the history of retro cars. You will find out where it all started. For example, did you know, that the Soviet automobile industry dated back to 1925 when the first passenger car was developed? In the museum, you will make many exciting discoveries and learn new facts.
Today, retro cars have acquired great importance and are highly valued among collectors since it is a whole era in the automobile world. Unusual structural solutions are fascinating, and the design is admirable.
Such a unique experience will be useful and exciting for both retro lovers and people not related to the car industry in any way.
Museum address: Vologda region, Vologda district, village Aksenovo, territory Pridorozhny complex, Building 35, office 1,
Tel.: +7 (8172) 23-96-99,,
Ticket price: children – 100 rubles, adults – 150 rubles, children under 7 – free entrance.
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