The Bryansk Regional Photo Festival “Kindness Reports” (the Photo Festival) organized by the Bryansk Photo History Museum, together with the Bryansk branch of the Russian Union of Art Photographers, will take place from June 1 to September 17, 2022, inclusive, followed by an exhibition of the finalists’ works.
Meet a new member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia — the Ice Cream Museum on the 89th floor.
Today, in the vacant lot in the courtyards on Nikolskaya Street, concerned visitors of our museum found a box with a film projector and some films.
One of the activities of the project “The Legacy of the Tenishevs: Preservation and Revival”, supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation, was the creation of the virtual museum of M.K.
The Spoon Museum has once again become the winner of the “Gold Standard of Culture and Hospitality” project in Vladimir.
The first in Russia Gardener’s Museum joined the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia. The museum is owned and founded by the Nonprofit Partnership “The Blooming Planet Educational and Practical Center”.
In 2012 the first private museum in Tarusa was officially opened. It presents a unique collection of sculptures, furniture, and interior items made from scrap metal and a large collection of irons, phonographs, and household items.
On May 16, 2022, a seminar on how to attract tour operators and their clients to private museums was held for members of the Association that had premises.
On May 21, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, the Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture in Meshchera will host the opening ceremony of the jubilee tourist season celebrating the 25th anniversary of the museum and the wood carving workshop.
Free career guidance workshops for school students ages 10 to 18 are held on Saturdays at the Trest Eco-Beauty Hub. Food technologist, metrologist engineer, tour guide and entertainer, barista – the private family Museum of Millstones together with the ANO “Lyubava” with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation tell young Novgorodians all about the origins and the modern nature of these jobs.
The Volgograd Museum of Weights and Measures is closing. It is the only such museum in Russia, but now it has to find a new venue.
The history of the Museum goes back to late 1990s – early 2000s, when the collection of locally produced electronics was started.
A new museum in the Catalog of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia —The Lace Fairy Tale Museum. The founder and owner of the museum is Sergey Vasilyevich Kuznetsov.
Today we would like to tell you about one of our most popular programs — the Ancient World Cup.
You can learn a lot of interesting facts in our museum. Each item has its history and its purpose. Even such a seemingly simple thing as a bench is actually not so simple.
Meet a new member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia — the Museum of Volunteers of Karelia.
The exhibition consists mainly of rare painted and carved spinning wheels, washboards, washing paddles, scutching knives and other beautifully crafted everyday objects such as chests, clay vessels korchagas, pouring vessels endovas, etc.
Is it possible to find real people you know on the layout?
Yes! Meet Sergey Sergeev, an aeromodelling trainer and teacher, an active athlete in the class of radio controlled airplane racing. Now a miniature copy of Sergey lives in our model in the Taiga region (by the way, Sergey himself lives in Tyumen. A coincidence? We don't think so...).
The unique Lego museum in the heart of Moscow and one of the largest Lego collections in Europe!
Calligraphy is the art of both ideal writing and an ideal soul.