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Maierhofer Johann Georg

Being a calligrapher in Germany

It is not common to be a calligrapher in Germany.
It is normal to do an everyday job and calligraphy in your spare time.
This was also my way.

Since I can remember I have been drawing, using my hands creatively, and writing.
I was an administrative secretary and did calligraphy.
I was a certified social pedagogue and did calligraphy.
I was a trainer and did calligraphy.

I learned about calligraphy, by reading books about calligraphy, by learning from my teachers and practicing the art.

In 1996 I decided to become a professional calligrapher.
I think, I was a calligrapher, from the time my hand could make a form in the air.

As a calligrapher, I work with pressure and release on the paper, I manage the speed of the forms in the drawing process, and I feel the nearness and the distance moving in me and then out of me.

Calligraphy is bound in a worldwide tradition, in the tradition of my country, and in my own tradition. Calligraphy is a good way to become connected to our roots. Knowing and feeling this, calligraphy is not just writing historical scripts. All our roots helps us to live in the present. Calligraphy is happening now. Calligraphy can be done through all your fear, through all your knowledge of the “wild side of life”, through all your happiness, dreams and love.

Calligraphic forms are “music for the eye”.
In a deeper way, the same forms I touch with calligraphy are also known and used by music. The difference is only the way we perceive them: in one case with the ear, in the other case with the eye. So we can say: music is one way heaven touches the earth, calligraphy is another.

Author works

Et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculōrum

Ingres paper, gouache, nib, 48x62 cm, 2010


Ruling pen and gouache, gothic, uncial and free Roman style, 50x35 cm, 2008

The Quick Brown Fox

Parallel-pen, ink, gothic, uncial and latin free style, 45x64 cm, 2007


Parallel pen, ink, latin style, 32x45 cm, 2008

"Love is a Rose"

Uncial forms. Ingres paper, Chinese ink, automatic pen, 49x65 cm, 1996


Ingres paper, ink, piece of wood, 40x60 cm, 2004

Thy will be done

Ingres paper, ink, parallel pen, 40x60cm, 2007


Ingres paper, ink, parallel pen, 40x60cm, 2004–2006.

Eichhofen haven

Ingres paper, ink, parallel pen Eisengallus, pointed pen, 40x60 cm, 2006

The Golden Sphere. Entry Page of a fairy tale written by Hans Maierhofer

Written in uncial forms in a circle, black ink, Parallel-Pen, ingres-paper, 49x65 cm, 1998


Ingres paper, ink, parallel pen, 60x40 cm, 2006


Fraktur-forms. Ingres-paper, parallel-pen and ink, 49x65 cm, 2006


Ingres paper, ink, piece of wood, 60x40 cm, 2002

Kalligrafie. Die Kunst des shonen schreibens (Calligraphy. The art of Beautiful Handwriting)

Gondrom Verlag GmbH, Bindlach, 2005

Kalligraphie. Von der Form zum Buchstaben (Calligraphy. From Shape to Letters)

Urania Verlag, Stuttgart in the Verlagsgruppe Dornier GmbH, 2006

Kalligraphie. Mit skizzen fur alle Motive (Calligraphy. With Sketches for all Subjects)

Urania Verlag in the Verlag Kreuz GmbH, 2007

“Die deutche Schrift” (German Script) magazine

Issue 1, 2008

Vater unser (Our Father)

Paper, gouache, nib, 48x62 cm, 2010

Eustachius Kugler

Ingres paper, gouache, nib, brush, 51x68 cm, 2009

Homeland 1

Ink, nib, oil-crayon, 29.5x40cm , 2014

Homeland 2

Ink, parallel-pen, pencil, 40x29.5cm , 2014

Homeland 3

Ink, nib, coloured pencil, 29.5x40cm , 2014

If you want peace

Parallel pen and colour pencil, 200 x 300 mm, 2016

Worte sind symbole //Words are symbols

Broad nib, ink, 300 x 200 mm, 2016

Was ist gluck // What is happiness

Parallel pen and fine liner, 300 x 200 mm, 2016
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Exhibition opens in 1618 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.