Bruno Niver
Moscow, Russia / Paris, France
Painter-calligrapher, poet, artist, actor, teacher at the Lomonosov Moscow State University
La pluie lance ses fleches d’or sur la cervelle…
The rain is darting its golden arrows to the brain…
…des nuits blanches et plante son etendard lumineux…
... of the white nights and pierces its luminous flag…
…dans la nuit chargee d’etoiles de feu…
… at night full of fire stars…
…ou les yeux du Silence crient dans la demence multicolore
…where the eyes of silence scream in a colorful madness
…universelle et musicale - Miracle de verre!
…universal and musical — The Miracle of Glass!
Province irreelle et fantasque…
Imaginary and fanciful land…
…au bord de la nuit du Silence…
…at the edge of the night of Silence…
…le royaume de l’Art…
…the Kingdom of Arts…
…ouvre ses portes…
…is opening its doors…
…au Poete!
…to Poet!
Poeme d’apres lequel sont dessines les tableaux-poemes qui suivent.
The verse which the following seven poem-paintings illustrate
Plonger comme l’oiseau…
Diving like a bird…
…dans l’Azur…
…into Azure…
…trou entre les nuees…
…the gap between the clouds…
…reve de…
…dreaming about…
…the rainbow…
…pont entre les…
…bridge between…
Saint-Tropez, forteresse plantee au-dessus la mer, village de pecheurs, port ou…
Saint-Tropez, the fortress above the sea, the village of fishermen, the port where…
…Brigitte Bardot au bord de l’eau epanouit sa chevelure blonde…
… Brigitte Bardot unbinds her hair at the seashore…
…mythe ou rivage inespere des yeux azureens!
… a myth or inaccessible shore of the sky-blue eyes!
Museum of Calligraphy
Handwritten Constitution
National Unionof Calligraphers
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry. (Lewis Carroll)