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Nikolai Makarov

Nikolai Makarov

Nikolai Makarov

Tyumen, Russia

Calligrapher, calligraphy teacher, assistant professor, Chair of Environment and Graphic Design, the Ural State Academy of Art and Architecture

Beauty of Calligraphy

Calligraphy is an Eye Opener.

Everything is calligraphic around us — the simplest things and phenomena, certain life situations. Curves of grass, traces of car wheels on the first snow, splashes on bitumen, a tentative brush stroke of a beginner house painter, mixed up telephone lines, ink slopped out from a flask. Everything in the world has its sign. And everything that surrounds us is a sort of writing we study to make out gradually.

Calligraphy is the shortest and most expressive way to convey a message, an idea, an impression. It is energetic and impetuous. It contains the spirit and the movement of time, the feeling of live breathing. Calligraphy is temperamental, expressive but fabulously graceful.

All cards are open in calligraphic writing, everything is on the surface, which results in the mind-bending effect, the breath-taking environment. Calligraphy is a process that is manageable and not manageable, predictable and unpredictable at once. There are many occasional things that should be noted in calligraphy.

Calligraphy is an endless field for experiment, search and discoveries. Various materials, tools and writing methods are applicable in it – from academic, classical writing using a wide-end tool (calam or pen) to graffiti using paint sprays. Its means are available and are always within reach. And it is sometimes the hand itself, and the inscription is a trade on steamy windows.

Shorthand is the most vital type of writing (brzopis, as our /Bulgarian brothers say, curiously and precisely; or painting as we say, but in another case). Calligraphy and shorthand are almost identical notions. In any event, writing is a continuous course, flow, flight. Good calligraphy is often perceived as such easy and free flight. There is a feeling that it is made in one breath. This is wonderful, and it should be so. Inadvertency is an organic property of calligraphy. But the way to this light and precise solution can be much longer. Calligraphy is a paper leaf fall, patient search for the right solution and the absolute dissatisfaction with what has been done.

Calligraphy is a wonderful visual art. It contains much of the reflective material – it is the smooth movements of pen or brush, the paint trace that follows them, the blots and splashes, the fanciful sags, diffuse whirls that spread on moistened surface, this is the sharpened edge of stroke and furrows left by the drying brush.

Calligraphy is not only a pretext for communication – it is its method. It’s a sort of a healing method that helps tune oneself internally. It won’t take much – just let oneself get involved in this exciting and most amusing process.

Author works

The Sermon of the Mount. Palimpsest

Black paper for pastel, white ink, broad-nib steel pens, poster pen, 30x49 cm, 2010

Dance. 1st part of the calligraphy composition

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Sable. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Happy New Year. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Happy New Year. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Rainbow. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Birds. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Bird. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Pelican. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Outskirts. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Mouse. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Cursive. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Cedar. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Karate. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Small Caps. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Source. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Cyclist. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

A Tin. 2nd part of the calligraphy composition

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Brass Band Concert. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

From Dawn to Dawn. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29x21 cm, 1997

From Dawn to Dawn. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

From Dawn to Dawn. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29x21cm, 1997

From Dawn to Dawn. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29х21 cm, 1997

Abbot Lojieux About Composition 001

Wallpaper with ornamental lettering (backside), ink. Poster pens, 59x94 cm, 2010

Abbot Lojieux About Composition 002

Wallpaper with ornamental lettering (backside),gouache. Poster pens, 59x94 cm, 2010

Abbot Lojieux About Composition 003

Wallpaper with ornamental lettering (backside), ink. Poster pens, 59x94 cm, 2010

Aliona. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Original. Paper, ink, brush, 29x21 cm, 1997

Aliona. 2nd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29x21 cm, 1997

Genesis, Chapter 11, Babel Tower

Paper for pastel, broad-nib steel pen, sharp-pointed nib steel pen, white ink, 25x35 cm, 2009

In the beginning was the Word

Paper for pastel, chalk, 32x25cm, 2009

Song. 1st part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29x21cm, 1997

Gull. 3rd part of the calligraphy triptych

Paper, ink, brush, 29x21cm, 1997

/ Glory to God in the highest... 1

Paper, ink, brush, 29x42cm, 2009

Glory to God in the highest... 2

Paper, ink, brush, 29x42cm, 2009

Glory to God in the highest... 3

Paper, ink, brush, 29x42cm, 2009

Glory to God in the highest... 4

Paper, ink, brush, 29x42cm, 2009

Glory to God in the highest... 5

Paper, ink, brush, 29x42cm, 2009

Glory to God in the highest... 6

Paper, ink, brush, 29x42cm, 2009

The word

Expressive calligraphic interpretation of the phrase "words are vessels for meaning".
Black paper for pastels, white ink, round brush, 29.5x20.8 cm, 2010

The Lord's Prayer. Our Father

Duplex black pearl paper, white ink, broad-nib pen, 61x61 cm, 2010

The Lord's Prayer. Our Father

White drawing paper, black ink, broad-nib pen, 61x61 cm, 2010

The Village of Bologoe upon Bologoe Lake. 1495

Printer paper, printed image, white ink, 21×29.7 cm, 2014.

The Breath of History

Pastel paper, white ink, 21×29.7 cm, 2014.

“Az. Diversity and Solidarity”

Based on the 17th century cursive. Paper, pointed nib, black, white, red ink, 210 x 297 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)