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We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Not a single week ever passes without new recruits volunteering to join the ranks of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy. Now we again proudly present our new participants who have recently joined the project. Their works will undoubtedly be the focus of everyone’s attention. These masters are: Nassar Mansour, Aleksei Chekal, Erkki Ruuhinen, Claudio Gil, and Henry S.R. Kao.

Nassar Mansour is one of the most renowned Arabic calligraphers. His works are on display at the British Museum. In 2007, Nassar Mansour received his Doctor of Arts in Arabic Calligraphy from the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts under the University of Wales, where has been teaching calligraphy since 2002. At present, he gives lectures on the Art of Arabic Calligraphy at the Institute of Traditional Islamic Arts at al-Balqa′ Applied University, Jordan.

We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Nassar Mansour (right) talking to Prince Charles
We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Works by Nassar Mansour

Aleksei Chekal is the art director of the PanicDesign graphic design studio. In collaboration with Professor V. Lensyak he organized the International Conference Exhibition “Svyato Kirilitsy” devoted to the Slavonic script and calligraphy. “The art of beautiful handwriting revives historical realities; linking people and epochs and pleases the eye”, he says.

We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Aleksei Chekal
We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Works by Aleksei Chekal

Erkki Ruuhinen is one of the top names in Finnish graphic design and is also one of Finland′s world-renowned designer. In 1986, he was invited to join the world′s top society of typographers, The Type Directors Club of New York, as its only Finnish graphic artist member to date. “To create an amazing and moving calligraphy work a master should possess knowledge and skills, firsthand experience and talent as well as an aptitude for continuous self-improvement”, Erkki says demonstrating the truth of the utterance.

We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Erkki Ruuhinen
We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Works by Erkki Ruuhinen

Claudio Gil is a calligrapher from the sunny Rio de Janeiro. He admits that he fell in love with calligraphy when he was a child. And now calligraphy helps him impart visual shape to the beauty of his feeling. Claudio Gil is a freelance graphic designer and calligraphy teacher at his own studio.

We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Claudio Gil
We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Works by Claudio Gil

Henry S. R. Kao is our most extraordinary participant. For many years, Doctor Kao has been proving that Chinese calligraphy has a positive influence on human health. His research is focused on finding solutions for curing autism, children’s hyperactivity and ADHD, as well as on learning the ways of inner tranquility.

We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Henry S.R. Kao
We welcome new participants of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy! Works by Doctor Kao

Source: International Exhibition of Calligraphy

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Calligraphy is frozen poetry.