If you are left-handed - do not despair!
Some of the best calligraphers and letterers are left-handed, so any difficulties you may experience can be overcome. One of the most well known calligraphers in the world is Gaynor Goffe, who is left-handed.
The greatest problem you will experience is that of pen angle. If a right-hander wants to hold the pen at 45° to the horizontal to write Italic letters, then that is not a problem. For a left-hander, though, holding the pen in a similar way means that the letters will be formed with a 'mirror image' angle. So the pen must be held in a different way and many left-handers find that special left oblique nibs help them in this. It is possible to use straight cut nibs, as right-handers do, and simply twist the wrist to the left to achieve the correct angle, but this may cause tension and strain.
However, there are some lettering styles, such as Uncial, or Half-Uncial where the pen is held either at 0° to the horizontal, or almost 0°, and these don't present quite so many challenges for left-handers. It may also help to set your board up in a slightly different way, as shown here, although having the paper straight is usually recommended.
There are three possible hand positions for left-handed calligraphers:
I recommend the underarm hand position (position 1 above), the main advantage being that all letter strokes have exactly the same direction as for right-handers (which is not the case with position 2 above where push strokes become pull strokes and vice versa. The other advantage of position 1 is that the paper/writing line is in the same position as for right-handers (which is not the case with position 3 above, see diagrams).
The underarm method can feel difficult to begin with, especially if you are used to everyday handwriting with your hand in the hook position, however there are various ways to minimise any difficulties:
The 'hook' position, (2 above), may seem easier if you already handwrite this way, and it is easier, initially, to move the arm freely in this position and easier to obtain all pen angles (though the nib is upside down). However, all the pull strokes of letters become push strokes and vice versa using this position, and this is a considerable disadvantage to the flow of the writing.
Writing with the writing line at 90° to the horizontal (3 above) also allows free arm movement and all pen angles are easily obtained, but it is more difficult to judge letter slope and the fact that the writing is from top to bottom rather than left to right takes some getting used to.
The writing position adopted depends on individual preference, but for the reasons discussed above, I have no hesitation in recommending the underarm writing position; with practice the pen angles can easily be obtained and the arm moved freely.
Gaynor Goffe
Source: www.clas.co.uk
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)