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Pankratova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Pankratova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Pankratova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Russia, Ryazan

Graphic artist and calligrapher


She was born in 1958 in Kiev.

She graduated from the Ryazan art school and in 1986 she graduated from the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

The topic of her candidate dissertation is related to the history, theory and methodology of the teaching of composition. The field of teaching is related to descriptive geometry, architectural graphics, and graphic design.

She combined her teaching work with creativity. The picturesque and graphic works of Lyudmila Pankratova were presented at art exhibitions and are in private collections in Russia and abroad.

My long-standing attachment to graphics and, in particular, to calligraphy is explained by a special devoted attitude to the book's culture, my interest in paleography, and love of the Russian language.

The quotations from medieval Russian literature occupy a significant place among the calligraphy sheets: the famous statement about the benefits of "Reverence Book" in Praise of Yaroslav the Wise from the "Tale of time years" of the 12th century; "Teachings" of Prince Vladimir Monomakh (12th century); famous for his sayings and aphorisms from the collections of "Bees" and "Wisdom of Menander" of the 13th - 16th centuries; the tragic and the bright "Word About the Destruction of the Russian Land" of the 13th century; wise and witty teachings to the family and teachers.

The spelling of the Charter, half-text, and cursive is not reproduced

in the document, and every time it is stylized in accordance with the intonation, the meaning of the quote and the dynamics of the modern gesture.

The composition of sheets in some cases is based on strict proportions of the handwritten book; in others, it completely follows the image tasks, with free handling of the font and graphic accents. In some cases, the text is "squeezed" into a concise form, which begins to act as a sign.

Tracing is being developed for the lines of classical Russian literature (A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, S. A. Yesenin) and modern authors, that associatively or metaphorically shares the voice music of poetry, then visual and color impressions, and then moving images.

In General, the works of Lyudmila Pankratova make a greater impression of ascetic strictness and geometricity, due to the limitations of artistic means, concise composition, and strict selection of the text content.

Author works

The calligraphy composition "Tree of life"

Paper, ink, gouache, pointed, broad-edged feathers Size: 29x45 cm 2001

The calligraphy composition "At the source"

Paper, ink, gouache, pointed, broad-edged feathers Size: 29x45 cm 2001
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Exhibition opens in 1505 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.