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Vsevolod Sventokhovsky

Vsevolod   Sventokhovsky

Vsevolod Sventokhovsky

Minsk, Belarus

Artist, designer

What Is the Attractiveness of Calligraphic Art

What Is the Attractiveness of Calligraphic Art

..."What is the attractiveness of calligraphy?

Although static in its form, calligraphy is dynamic in its content.
Motion, rhythm, amplitude, expression and at the same time, deliberateness, meaningfulness, scrupulosity, modesty, accuracy and of course, laconism of the calligraphic art attracts the audience and artists working in this sphere, the horizons of which each artist determines for himself".

Author works

There is no place like home

Coloured paper, ink, 50x65 cm, 2009

Such carpenters, such chips

Paper, ink, 73x26 cm, 2009

Seldom, but to the point

Tracing paper, ink, 30x42 cm, 2009

Letter “К”. The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 34x44 cm, 1998.

Letter "Е". The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 34x44 cm, 1998

Letter “ж”. The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 34x44 cm, 1998

Letter “У”. The Terratological Alphabet series

Letter “Г”. The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 34x44 cm, 1998

Letter "O". The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 85x65 cm, 2007-2008

Letter "Д". The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 65x85 cm, 2008

Letter "i". The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 65x85 cm, 2007–2008.

Letter "А". The Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 34x44 cm, 1998

Poster, the Terratological Alphabet series

Computer collage, large format printing, 60х90 см

Letter "З" from the Terratological Alphabet series

Paper, pencil, 34x44 cm, 1998

Poster, the Terratological Alphabet series

Computer collage, large format printing, 60x90 cm

Хоць рэдка але едка (Seldom, but to the point). Belarusian proverb.

Paper, ink, 50x65 cm, 2010

Жывi i хлеб жвi (His life he lives and his bread he eats). Belarusian proverb.

Paper, ink, 45x63 cm, 2010

Give Him Drink - He Will Speak

Large format printing, paper, ink, pointed pen, 65x43cm , 2011.

Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone...

Paper, ink, broad pen, 25x50cm , 2014.

Rare Yet Bitter

Paper, ink, nib, 720 x 555 mm, 2010

Like a Bird

Paper, ink, nib, 500 x 700 mm, 2000

To the Little Children

Paper, ink, nib, 460 x 620 mm, 2017

You Didn’t Ask for Yourself

Paper, ink, nib, 460 x 620 mm, 2017

Skaryna. No Wisdom or Giving Customs

Paper, ink, nib, 460 x 620 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1647 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.