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Torfi Jónsson

Torfi Jónsson

Torfi Jónsson


Calligrapher, teacher, layout artist


Facing a blank page with pen in hand, writing is a fine challenge for all, from artists to schoolchildren. Even type designers often rely on ink and paper to bring zest to their computer work. I thank the International Calligraphy Exhibition for support and encouragement of a great art form.

Author works


Lithographic paper, Japanese ink, small pen, 30x38 cm, 1970–1980.


Lithographic paper, Japanese ink, small pen, 30x42 cm, 1970–1980.


Lithographic paper, Japanese ink, small pen, 29x34 cm, 1970–1980.
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.