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Mari Emily Bohley

Mari Emily Bohley

Mari Emily Bohley

Dresden, Germany

Calligrapher, designer

Personal Thoughts about Calligraphy – the art of writing

I feel the same way about Calligraphy like I do about life: looking nice on the surface is not enough. A calligraphic work only gets interesting for me when it conceals a secret: a story, experience or mood which isn’t learned by simply reading the text, but through the expression of the stroke, the choice of material and the untold between the lines. A nicely written word creates pleasure, but a stroke which tells you about joy, ferocity, excitement, longing, searching and confusing feelings can fascinate much longer.

Beauty means liveliness for me. It stays mysterious. There will always be something left to discover which isn’t revealed at first glance.

My work is based on stories or experiences which I can’t always put in words and can only show through art. When I create a work of art, like a collage or a canvas, which expresses something about my feelings but still holds a little secret, I find my work beautiful. My idea can be summarized with the words of Saint Augustine: “Beauty is the brilliance of truth”.

Marí Emily Bohley, 2008

Author works


Acrylics and composition gold on canvas, 40x27 cm, 2008

Combination in gold

Ink, gouache and gold leaf on Somerset paper, 28.5x76 cm, 2007

Combination in Black

ink, gouache and gold leaf on Somerset paper, 28.5x76 cm, 2007

Combination in White

Ink, gouache and gold leaf on Fabriano paper, 25x70 cm, 2007

The Throes of Creation

Acrylics and composition gold on canvas 40x27 cm, 2008


Handmade paper, mixed media, 56x76 cm, 2008.

To Love and to Give Life

Handmade paper, mixed media, 56x76 cm, 2008.



Mixed media, handmade paper, brush, self-made tools, 57x77 cm, 2008.
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.