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Mari Emily Bohley

Mari Emily Bohley

Mari Emily Bohley

Dresden, Germany

Calligrapher, designer


1973 — born in Görlitz and grew up in Halle/Saale, East Germany

After 1989
Traveled across Nepal, Tibet and South America

1996 –1999
BA Calligraphy and Bookbinding at Roehampton Institute, London

Since 1999
Opened a shop and gallery “Blue Child” in the Kunsthofpassage and a studio in Dresden Member of the National Association of Artists

Since December 2000
Faculty member teaching letter design at the ESB Media College vocational school in Dresden

Since June 2001
Conducting weekend and evening classes in bookbinding and calligraphy in Germany and abroad

2001 – 2006
Member of the international Calligraphy Association “ARS SCRIBENDI e.V.”

2002 / 2003 / 2005
Participated in the International Calligraphy Symposium in Sunderland / GB

Since 2006
Member of the Calligraphy Association “Schreibwerkstatt Klingspor Offenbach e.V.”

Single Exhibitions

2008 “Ohne Zeit” (Timeless) (Schriftmuseum, Pettenbach, Austria)
2007 “Aus erster Hand” (First-hand) (Galerie Glimsdal, Betzigau)
2005 “o.T.” (Blue Child, Dresden)
2004 “Schriftträume für eine winzige Ewigkeit” (Script Dreams – a Brief Eternity) (Neue Galerie, Wünsdorf)
2004 “Schriftwesen und Buchobjekte” (The Nature of the Script and of the Book) (Blue Child, Dresden)
2003 “Schriftwunder, Prinzen und fliegende Bücher” (The Miracle of the Script, Princes, and Flying Books) (Schloss Nossen)
2001 “Schriftbilder” (Script Images) (Kreis- und Stadtbibliothek Luckenwalde)

Group Exhibitions

2008 “Fragmentarische Schönheit” (Fragmentary Beauty) (Art Festival ORNÖ, Dresden)
2007 – 2008 “Zeit” (Time) (Haus der Zeit, Ahrensburg)
2007 “Responding to the World” (Guilford Art Center, Guilford CT, USA)
2006 “Unantastbar” (The Untouchables) (KZ-Gedenkstätte Ladelund)
2006 “Eigensinn” (Stubbornness) (Art Festival ORNÖ, Dresden)
2005 “Große Sächsische Kunstausstellung” (The Grand Saxony Arts Exhibition) (Leipzig)
2003 “Schriftklänge” (The Sound of the Script) (Blue Child, Dresden)
2003 “Lines of Speed”(Blue Child, Dresden)
2002 – 2003 “Von gefiederten Prinzen und der Liebe zu Hasi” (On Feathered Princes and Love for Hasi) (Blue Child, Dresden)
2001 “Buchstabensuppe” (Letter Soup) (Blue Child, Dresden)
2000 – 2001 Bookbinding Competition (British Library London)
2000 “Changeling” (3st & Töchter, Dresden)
2000 “Labyrinth” (3st & Töchter, Dresden)
1999 – 2000 Bookbinding Competition (British Library London)


Akademie der Künste “Musik ist die gemeinsame Sprache” (Music is the language everyone can understand, Academy of Arts) (2008)
Akademie der Künste “My Mind is Open” (Academy of Arts) (2008)
GlaxoSmithKline “Do more, feel better” (2007)
KZ-Gedenkstätte Ladelund “Mitgefühl” (Compassion) (2006)
KZ-Gedenkstätte Ladelund “Ohnmacht” (Impotence) (2006)
KZ-Gedenkstätte Ladelund “Würde” (Dignity) (2006)
Deko Art Müller “Was es ist” (What it is, decorative art)(2004)
Kästner Kolleg Sprachen “Wo trifft der Schmetterling…” (Where does the Butterfly Flutter? Kestner speech styles lectures) (2002)
Kreis- und Stadtbibliothek Luckenwalde “Koptisches Taschenbuch” (Coptic Notebook) (2001)
Kästner Kolleg Sprachen “Spuren im Sand” (Footprints on the Sand, Kestner speech styles lectures) (2000)

Author works


Acrylics and composition gold on canvas, 40x27 cm, 2008

Combination in gold

Ink, gouache and gold leaf on Somerset paper, 28.5x76 cm, 2007

Combination in Black

ink, gouache and gold leaf on Somerset paper, 28.5x76 cm, 2007

Combination in White

Ink, gouache and gold leaf on Fabriano paper, 25x70 cm, 2007

The Throes of Creation

Acrylics and composition gold on canvas 40x27 cm, 2008


Handmade paper, mixed media, 56x76 cm, 2008.

To Love and to Give Life

Handmade paper, mixed media, 56x76 cm, 2008.



Mixed media, handmade paper, brush, self-made tools, 57x77 cm, 2008.
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Exhibition opens in 1510 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the flower of a man′ s soul.