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Karin Bauer

Karin  Bauer

Karin Bauer

Hamburg, Germany

Calligrapher, designer

Cognitive Calligraphy

When I had returned from my one-year-residence in the orient, deeply impressed by Arabic letter art, I began searching for my roots in western script.
Now with years of consideration about letter art I still discover new aspects by working with: new categories of style in my letter designs, extraordinary logo design, numerous possibilities of expressions in combination with other art, the way to intensify or increase the meaning of poetry; my feelings, which are involved in the process of interpretation. And also the calmness in me during my work. It’s like meditation.

The last few years were important for me, writing texts which are legible. I absolutely agreed with the morphology in letter art. The more I work with calligraphy the more it isn’t important any more.

To remember my era of detailed black and white-photographs brings me back to regard the structure, the outlines of forms, the repeating rows and modulation of light and shadow of objects, that becomes now more and more important in my calligraphy work. In nature and in their object you can find countless comparisons with calligraphy. You only need to follow their examples. You’ll find a new calligraphic design if you have open eyes and take it in. These contain further work with calligraphy. And to my mind, it is a necessary step in a lively development of any kind of art. Everything is open — at any time!

And together with the calligraphers and artists all over the world.

Author works

“My Homage” – a birch bark lantern, tinsel gilded interior

Novgorod birch bark lantern. Chiseled text, inside covered with real gold leaf, 33x17 cm, 2010

«… and there was light …»

Holy Bible, Genesis. Watercolors, gouache, acrylic, formal and abstract lettering technique, letters from ancient Novgorod alphabet on black Canson paper, 39x100 cm, 2010

Genesis. Book of Moses, Chapter 1 (excerpt)

Text: from the Holy Bible. Classic and expressive cursive handwriting. Watercolor, special solution for handwriting with pipette for raised archaic letters (middle, right and left), gouache, Japanese ink, self-made pen, different nibs, brush, broad-nib pen, 102x65 cm, 2010’s the detours, meanders, twists and curves, which comprise the substance of our life. Text: Yehudi Menuhin

Acrylic, gouache, self-made pen, broad-nib pen, pipette, classic Calligraphy and abstract rhythmical-scriptural writing on black Canson paper, 39x87 cm, 2010

"Life is forward and backward motion". Text: Yehudi Menuhin

Watercolor paper, red fine pigments, Real gold leaf, 5-line pen (music pen), 66x100 cm, 2010

"Live is forward and backward motion ". Text: Yehudi Menuhin

Water-color paper, Blue and green fine pigments, Real gold leaf, 5-line pen (music pen), 66x100 cm, 2010

The Coat

“We all have come from this overcoat”. By Gogol. Expressive lettering style, black paper, gouache, self-made pen, 39x87 cm, 2010

The Paperish Era

By Gerhart Hauptmann (written in 1907). Interpretation in abstract calligraphy, black and white gouache, metal nib on Canson paper 80x100 cm, 2010

Let it be

Gouache, acrylic, different sizes of nibs, 2014

On my homeland

Acrylic, different sizes of nibs, 2014
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Exhibition opens in 1648 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of both ideal writing and an ideal soul.