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Karin Bauer

Karin  Bauer

Karin Bauer

Hamburg, Germany

Calligrapher, designer


"I grew up and lived in various southern German towns as well as in Bagdad".

"In 1986 I moved to Hamburg, northern Germany".

"In 1994, after years of working in a transnational company, I decided to completely change my life, to take up western art of lettering study".

“Living in Iraq helped me to get to know the beautiful art of the letter and start my own career in calligraphy. I studied book design and calligraphy under Professor Andersch’s guidance at Hamburg University of Applied Arts, Art and Design Department”.

“In 1997 I opened my own calligraphy studio, worked as a freelance calligrapher and artist. I also frequented professional calligraphers’, photographers’, artists’ master-classes”.

"In 2003 I participated in a master-class at the International Calligraphy Symposium in Sunderland Art School, UK”.

“In 2003-2008 I was the first woman to preside over the International Calligraphy Association Ars Scribendi”.

“In 2003 I became a full member of Schreibwerkstatt Klingspor Offenbach and Schweizerische Kalligraphiegesellschaft calligraphy associations”. I also participated in international exhibitions in Germany, Veliky Novgorod (Russia), Belgium, Austria, Helsinki (Finland), Korea.



Contemporary Calligraphy with Harp Music at WU-WEI,

Tai Chi and QIGONG school, Hamburg

Interview for ART&GRAPHIC magazine


Socio-cultural Project “Poison Arrow Frogs”


International PaperART exhibition, Korea

LETTER ART gallery, Seoul

Lower Saxony Landscape Design Show, Winsen/Luhe.

International Calligraphy Symposium, Bruges/Belgium

Atelier-Galerie-Exhibition 10th Anniversary


International Exhibition of Calligraphy, Helsinki/Finland.

Bartlhaus font museum /Austria.“And there is still Love ”, June — Sept.

Japanese Teehouse, Botanical Park, Hamburg


IBM Germany – Opening Exhibition

The first exhibition in Germany with 30 pieces of graphics.

Adolf Bernd graphics exhibition in Atelier Gallery on the occasion of the Ars-Scribendi Association Excursion in September

Open air exhibition in City park of Hamburg with Klezmer and harp music, love poems recitals.


Saselhaus, HH Sasel

Dom St. Marien, Winsen Hamburg

St. Michel, Hamburg – The Song of Salomon — Latin and Hebrew banner with reciting by Gerlach Fiedler and violin music


Maulbronn Monastery, Maulbronn

Participation in the International Calligraphy Prize Exhibition, Westerlo/Belgium

Master class 2002 Sunderland Art School/GB

Participation in PaperART 2002 exhibition, Hamburg

Ringelnatz Poetry at the Joachim Ringelnatz Community Exhibition


Environment Control Agency, HH

Kurhaus Bad Zwischenahn

The Holy Ghost Hospital, HH

DEA-Konzern-Galerie, HH

Church of Michelstadt/Odenwald


History Institute, Novgorod/Russia

Galerie Rosenkranz, Chemnitz (Saxony)


IBM Germany

Lübeck Cathedral

Galerie ARTICA, Cuxhaven

ECE, Hamburg


The City of Aasiaat, Greenland

City Ludwigsburg b. Stuttgart/Germany.

GDF-Wuestenrot, b. Stuttgart/Germany.


Fronius International, Austria

Author works

“My Homage” – a birch bark lantern, tinsel gilded interior

Novgorod birch bark lantern. Chiseled text, inside covered with real gold leaf, 33x17 cm, 2010

«… and there was light …»

Holy Bible, Genesis. Watercolors, gouache, acrylic, formal and abstract lettering technique, letters from ancient Novgorod alphabet on black Canson paper, 39x100 cm, 2010

Genesis. Book of Moses, Chapter 1 (excerpt)

Text: from the Holy Bible. Classic and expressive cursive handwriting. Watercolor, special solution for handwriting with pipette for raised archaic letters (middle, right and left), gouache, Japanese ink, self-made pen, different nibs, brush, broad-nib pen, 102x65 cm, 2010’s the detours, meanders, twists and curves, which comprise the substance of our life. Text: Yehudi Menuhin

Acrylic, gouache, self-made pen, broad-nib pen, pipette, classic Calligraphy and abstract rhythmical-scriptural writing on black Canson paper, 39x87 cm, 2010

"Life is forward and backward motion". Text: Yehudi Menuhin

Watercolor paper, red fine pigments, Real gold leaf, 5-line pen (music pen), 66x100 cm, 2010

"Live is forward and backward motion ". Text: Yehudi Menuhin

Water-color paper, Blue and green fine pigments, Real gold leaf, 5-line pen (music pen), 66x100 cm, 2010

The Coat

“We all have come from this overcoat”. By Gogol. Expressive lettering style, black paper, gouache, self-made pen, 39x87 cm, 2010

The Paperish Era

By Gerhart Hauptmann (written in 1907). Interpretation in abstract calligraphy, black and white gouache, metal nib on Canson paper 80x100 cm, 2010

Let it be

Gouache, acrylic, different sizes of nibs, 2014

On my homeland

Acrylic, different sizes of nibs, 2014
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Exhibition opens in 1645 days
Words Of Wisdom
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)