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The art of beautiful writing can be learnt from childhood

Graphology - Psychology of signature

In childhood writing is just shaping. So parents have to be extremely attentive to the period where the basis for writing is laid. Since it’s easier to learn than to re-learn.

Prior revolution of 1917 children went to school from 9-10 years old , while for many years a common thing is a five-year old child becoming a first-class pupil. However, it’s better to teach child writing before school. It is directly connected with

sophisticating of school program: child has to learn a great volume of information and as a consequence to write a lot. Material overcharge leads to child’s effort to manage all the obligatory exercises rather than write fancy.

Be patient when teaching your child how to write. It’s important to remember that emotional children will probably have their copy- books with many erasures. They especially need  adults and parents attention , and should be praised for successes and not abused for failures. Those children particularly need parents support.

Firstly, before teaching writing make sure that the child is physically and psychologically ready for it . A certain exercise complex exists connected with strengthening child’s fingers and hands.

For example:

  • Work with scissors, cutting out snowflakes and various figures from paper
  • painting
  • beading, puzzle
  • work with playdough, modeling
  • writing different lines, pothooks, calligraphy lessons.

Don’t forget that one of the most important conditions is favorable psychic climate during lessons.

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Words Of Wisdom
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.