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The International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Works, unique in their content and technique, will be on show.

Among others, you will see calligrapher Andrey Drachenkov’s “First translation”, a Glagolic writing of John’s Gospel scratched in wax and An Vanhentenrijk’s works combining calligraphy with three-dimensional paper forms. Over 50 countries are participating, so visitors can see calligraphic works from : Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South Americas, Australia and Oceania. On Sundays, there will be master-classes by famous calligraphers. Arash Shirinbad will give a class in Arabic-Persian calligraphy and Kufic writing, Kim Jong Chil will unlock the secrets of Korean calligraphy, and Viktor Saliev will demonstrate the connection between two art forms: music and artistic graphics.

The event schedule is available on

Source: Telenedelia, magazine

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Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.