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From September 16th – 21st the Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in St.Petersburg hosted the International Exhibition of Calligraphy. The project was initiated by the Director General of MVK International Exhibition Company Alexey Shaburov.

The exhibition included master classes, educative lectures and practical lessons of calligraphy. The exhibition displayed the works of illustrious calligraphers from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Europe, the USA, Israel, Jordan, Japan, China, Syria, Mongolia, Turkey, India, Australia, Brazil, Peru and other countries.

Ukraine was represented by four artists: the Professor of the National Academy of Painting and Architecture, V. Chebanik; Assistant Professor of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture, V. Mitchenko; teacher of the Lvov Polygraphic Institute, Ya. Kutz; and representative of the Kharkov Academy of Design Art, A. Chekal.

A handwritten script uniting art type and calligraphy is designed in accordance with the same laws of beauty as any other visual artwork. Unfortunately, the role of calligraphy in evolution of historic styles is understudied (perhaps, because of the originality of calligraphic art). A calligraphically designed letter of the Gothic or Old Slavonic writing system is a certain code-module laying in the basis of every historic age. Popularization of calligraphy via the International Exhibition of Calligraphy exercises a salutary influence over the professional typographers and those who are eager to cognize the world by laws of beauty. A graphically interpreted phrase is a peculiar bridge between a human’s interior and the surrounding objective reality. The significance of the project consists in its ability to help people appreciate the world’s cultural heritage and to increase the number of people who treat calligraphy as new colour in a general palette of visual art.

Calligraphy Vasil Chebanik. Typographic composition
Calligraphy Vitaliy Mitchenko. Calligraphic composition

Petr Chobitko, a former teacher of Kiev Art Institute (now: the National Academy of Painting and Architecture) at present time the Chairman of the National Union of Calligraphers, St. Petersburg; Pavel Semchenko, Professor of the Belarus National Academy of Arts; Yaroslav Kutz (Lviv); Vasil Chebanik (Kiev); Nikolay Taranov (Volgograd), teacher of typography in Lvov for many years.

Calligraphy A calligraphic performance for four hands, master class of Jean Larcher (France) and Katharina Pieper (Germany).
Calligraphy Master class of Hans Maierhofer

Source: Obraz-M

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Exhibition opens in 1651 day
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)