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The Most Recognizable Calligraphic Brand in the World

Coca-cola, world-famous company, has celebrated 120 years anniversary. The trade mark was registered in United States Patent and Trademark Office in 1893. In March, 1886 John Pemberton, seeking to invent a new painkiller, mixed sugar syrup, caffeine, and coke decoction and got a sweet brown stimulating drink.

Frank Robinson, Pemberton’s accountant, whose hobby was the art of beautiful handwriting, suggested the brand name design. Thus the calligraphic Coca-Cola rubric appeared, and it still remains the company’s official logo. Every day the company sells more than 1 billion coke bottles. Despite dietitians’ vigorous protests, Coca-Cola is as popular as ever.

The Most Recognizable Calligraphic Brand in the WorldThe Most Recognizable Calligraphic Brand in the World
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