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The Bible scribed calligraphically… by a robot

Image The bios [bible] manipulator

A German creative trio from Robotlab have invented a very uncommon robot, to be specific — an automatic manipulator, which writes down the Bible on rolls of paper. The machine draws the calligraphic lines with high precision. Like a monk in the scriptorium it creates the text step by step.

Starting with the Old Testament and the Pentateuch ‘bios [bible]’ produces the whole book within seven months.

«The ‘bios [bible]’ is focusing on the questions of faith and technical progress,» the engineers say, «The installation correlates two cultural systems which are fundamental for societies today — religion and scientific rationalism. In this context the Holy Scripture has had an elementary function at all times, as holy scripture or as formal writing of knowledge.»

So, the ‘bios [bible]’ (’basic input output system’) — that’s the robot’s name —is now in the forefront of robotics. But at the same time the Robotlab team have to consider many important factors, one of which is the possible opposition of the spiritual community to such innovations. But as a matter of fact, if not for the 15th century Germany we would not have seen Gutenberg’s Bible.

Source: The Robotlab

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