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The All-Russian Contest of Chinese Calligraphy

Publishing house Renmin Huabao in partnership with Zhongguowang website (Chinese Information Centre), and Chinese health industry corporation “New Era” announce the All-Russian Contest of Chinese Calligraphy. The initiative aims to promote traditional Chinese culture and develop humanitarian exchanges and cooperation between China and Russia.

  1. Contest timeline
    Submissions: January 10, 2019 – July 30, 2019
    Evaluation of submissions: August 1-30, 2019
    Awarding ceremony: September 2019
  2. Eligibility
    Residents of Russia and Russian citizens on a temporary stay in China as students or workers, are eligible to take part in the contest.
  3. Artwork requirements
    1. Text selection
      The preferred content of a submission is positive, use ready made text or compose your own, alternatively you can pick one of the provided texts.
      Use a ball pen or a gel pen to write the Chinese folk song “Jasmine”:
      好一朵美丽的茉莉花 好一朵美丽的茉莉花
      芬芳美丽满枝桠 又香又白人人夸
      让我来将你摘下 送给别人家
      茉莉花呀 茉莉花
      好一朵美丽的茉莉花 好一朵美丽的茉莉花
      芬芳美丽满枝桠 又香又白人人夸
      让我来将你摘下 送给别人家
      茉莉花呀 茉莉花
      好一朵美丽的茉莉花 好一朵美丽的茉莉花
      芬芳美丽满枝桠 又香又白人人夸
      让我来将你摘下 送给别人家
      茉莉花呀 茉莉花
      Use brush to write the following text:
    2. The best artworks in two categories will be chosen: pen calligraphy and brush calligraphy.
      The first category artworks should be made on calligraphy lined paper, to download and print as A4 please use the following link:
      The entire artwork should fit into one page and contain at least 30 characters.
      Formats and the number of characters for the second category artworks (brush calligraphy) are unrestricted.
    3. The characters are to be written with a pen or a brush, using pencil or brush pen is prohibited.
    4. Scan or take a picture of your artwork and email it, alternatively you can submit the artwork by mail.
    5. The emails with submissions should have “The contest + your full name.” in the subject line.
    6. Please include your full name, age, address (with post code), and mobile number in your message. For brush calligraphy artworks, please specify the original format.
    7. The contest submission must be performed in the individual and aidless manner.
  4. The following submission options are available for contestants:
    – Account of Kitay magazine editor’s office in Vkontakte:
    – Email address:
    Address and contact details for submissions:
    In Russia: Confucius Institutes at universities, offices of Chinese health industry corporation “New Era”.
    In China: international affairs offices of the leading Chinese universities for foreign students.
    Russian contestants can also submit their artworks to the following address: Olimpiyskaya Derevnya 1, building 2, 128, Michurinsky Avenue, Moscow, 119602. Representative office of publishing house Renmin Huabao in Moscow, phone: 8 (499) 558-06-98;
    Helios Business Centre, Marata 47/49 street, Saint Petersburg. OOO Gozhen Bio Corporation, phone: +78126778782
    Mailing address in China: 100048, 北京市海淀区车公庄西路33号 人民画报社俄文编辑部 收 Phone: 86-10-88417514 86-10-88417507
  5. Awards and prizes
    Awards for pen calligraphy:
    The 1st award (three contestants): a free five day trip to China (winners under 16 years old should be accompanied by an adult);
    The 2nd award (five contestants): 3500 yuan (an equivalent of 35 000 RUB) and a gift from New Era corporation;
    The 3rd award (ten contestants): 2000 yuan and a gift from New Era corporation;
    Commemorative prizes (fifteen contestants): 1000 yuan and a gift from New Era corporation;
    Awards for brush calligraphy:
    The 1st award (three contestants): a free five day trip to China (winners under 16 years old should be accompanied by an adult);
    The 2nd award (five contestants): 3500 yuan (an equivalent of 35 000 RUB) and a gift from New Era corporation;
    The 3rd award (ten contestants): 2000 yuan (an equivalent of 20 000 RUB) and a gift from New Era corporation;
    Commemorative prizes (fifteen contestants): 1000 yuan (an equivalent of 10 000 RUB) and a gift from New Era corporation;
    Special prize is provided for educational facilities and offices for the assistance in preparing and holding the contest (1000 yuan and a gift from New Era corporation).
    Two followers of Kitay magazine in Vkontakte ( who submit their artworks to the contest can also win a free five day trip to China.

Contact details:

– E-mail:

– Vkontakte:

– Phone: 86-10-88417514, 86-10-88417507

The All-Russian Contest of Chinese CalligraphyThe All-Russian Contest of Chinese Calligraphy
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Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.