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Pupils at Therfield School, Leatherhead, given Chinese calligraphy lesson

A group of 22 aspiring artists at Therfield School, in Leatherhead, was treated to a Chinese calligraphy lesson.

Students aged between 13 and 17 were introduced to Chinese tutor Sui Wan and given an ink pot and brush each.

During the lesson, on June 9, the instructor explained what the «four treasures» of calligraphy were, namely a brush, ink, ink stone, and Xuan paper.

School spokeswoman Katherine Smith said: «They were taught how to hold the calligraphy brush in the proper position and came to realise that the technique is a meditative art form in China.

Chinese students practise how to grind ink from tree cores for several years prior to putting brush to paper.

Therfield artists progressed during the two-hour class to produce complex words on professional paper.»

At the second session, on the following day, students applied what they had learned.

Mrs Smith added: «They were encouraged to be inventive and work on larger scales, use paint, ink, vivid colour, Chinese image references, and a wide range of surfaces.

Students researched different words and phrases in Chinese in order to make work which was personal to them.»

Pupils at Therfield School, Leatherhead, given Chinese calligraphy lesson Pupils at Therfield School, Leatherhead, given Chinese calligraphy lesson


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Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.