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Porcelain Dolls Gallery "Fragile Dreams"

A dream come true.

The beauty embodied in porcelain.

A fairy tale that you wish to live in.

The Fragile Dreams Gallery contains the world's largest collection of masterpieces by Hildegard Günzel, a world-famous doll artist.

The dolls made by Hildegard Gunzel are so perfect that they look alive. They have beautiful glowing faces, thoughtful expressions, soft and real hair. They wear exquisite dresses made from expensive fabrics and handmade lace and designer jewelry.

The "Fragile Dreams" Gallery offers:

- three exhibition halls displaying Hildegard Günzel dolls

- a gallery of teddy bears, including a collection of Steiff bears

- an exclusive souvenir shop

- a home cafe

- a venue for your holidays and events

Nizhny Novgorod, Narodnaya st., Building 2B

Mon. - Fri. - 12:00-17:00

Sat., Sun. - guided tours only

Before visiting, please call us to receive up-to-date schedule information at

+7 (920) 250-05-85

+7 (800) 4444-108 (toll-free in Russia).

Porcelain Dolls Gallery "Fragile Dreams" is a member of the Association of Private and People's Museums of Russia.


Porcelain Dolls Gallery Porcelain Dolls Gallery "Fragile Dreams"
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)