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Master-class by the Wunderlichs

Sometimes the walls not only listen, but speak. But when they do, they whisper, and most people cannot hear them. However, the Wunderlichs did the impossible – they conjured the walls to put their inarticulate whispered words into visitors' ears. Their master-class was one of the most remarkable shows at the exhibition. You could watch the two German artists gradually invading a wall with images and inscriptions all day long.

Master-class by the Wunderlichs Andrea and Folker Thomas Wunderlich at their master-class

A calligraphic fresco, named “E pluribus – unum” (Out of many, one) was emerging from non-existence as the astonished audience watched the masters’ every move. Upon completion of the fresco, the Wunderlich couple gave a lecture, on their freshly created chef-d’oeuvre, which they called "The Whispering Walls: trompe l’oeil and calligraphy".

Master-class by the Wunderlichs Andrea and Folker Thomas Wunderlich at their master-class

There is little a true artist cannot express. A most trivial object can be transformed into a prominent feature. Thinking out of the calligraphic box, using a lively image of a fireplace designating an "O" on the wall, for example, the Wunderlichs proved once again that calligraphy is not all about indecipherable curly scribbles from ancient manuscripts, it’s rather a full-scale branch of contemporary art, capable of winning people’s attention. And thus the wall spake…

Master-class by the Wunderlichs Alexey Shaburov, Director of the museum, the Wunderlichs, and Manohar Desai

Source: International Exhibition of Calligraphy

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Words Of Wisdom
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.