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Is he the 'write' one?

Cards signed by your sweetie reveal more than just who sent it - mind, motives, and personality are signed, sealed and delivered.

While virtual love messages via texts and emails will abound, getting a handwritten Valentine sends a message loud and clear that you're special, says Andrea McNichol, who has worked with the FBI.

According to the L.A. graphologist, other signs of good things to come include a handwritten personalized message inside the card along with him signing his name, and not just initials, near the personalized prose.

More love points if he spelled your name correctly.

Size matters as well -- your name and his signature should be approximately the same size. This denotes you're on an equal playing field in the relationship.

And just what kind of Valentine's Day card does a graphologist get? A typed one, she laughs.

On the other hand, there are some red flags to keep in mind: "If he doesn't put your name inside the card, there may be intimacy problems going on," says McNichol.

If his name is bigger than yours in the card, then he's stroking his own ego and considers himself more important than you, says McNichol.

Signing with initials only is not a good sign - it indicates he doesn't want to be associated with writing the card. And word spacing also needs to be taken into account: “The distance between words indicates the distance he wants to keep between himself and others."

Handwriting is like body language, says L.A. handwriting expert Bart Baggett, "but is more specific and is frozen for a more detailed analysis of our unconscious movements."

Take note of severe slant changes, severe size changes, no left margin, loads of mistakes, heavy cross outs, pressure changes, inconsistencies, says McNichol. "When there's no consistency whatsoever and the slant of the strokes veers severely in all directions, probably so does their mind ..."

According to McNichol, a person's signature represents the writer's public self-image - "how he wants to be seen. If someone's signature is different from their regular handwriting, then perhaps they're putting on an act. What you see may not be what you get," she adds.

Interpret writing style

  • Flamboyant style: need for attention
  • Tiny and neat writing: good powers of concentration
  • Legible: desire to communicate
  • Large handwriting: extroverted, outgoing
  • Small handwriting: introverted, shy, realistic
  • Heavy pressure: feeling pressure or tension
  • Downward writing: feeling down or depressed
  • Pronounced slant to the left: emotionally withdrawn or repressed
  • Pronounced rightward angle: carried away by his or her feelings
  • Overly wide spaces: cautious, guarded
  • Overly narrow spaces: uptight and narrow minded
  • Uphill writing: positive mental energy.

Troubling handwriting traits
You may want to sign off with this sweetie if these appear:

  • Writing severely slanted in all directions indicates severe emotional instability.
  • Abundant mistakes indicate acute mental anxiety or drug/alcohol use.
  • Mistakes crossed out multiple times point to anxiety, severe frustration and anti-social tendencies.
  • Overly angular handwriting indicates anger and frustration.

Dating doodle
Is he doodling on your dates? He may be disinterested. According to expert graphologist McNichol, "the most common reason for doodling is boredom."

Common doodles interpreted:

  • Stars: hopefulness
  • Circles: friendly, talkative
  • Hearts: love on the mind
  • Animals: sensitive to living creatures
  • Vehicles: desire to get away, reach a goal
  • Food: need for love and desire to be filled up
  • Boxes: desire to be constructive; 3D boxes signify an ability to see all sides of an issue
  • Triangles: desire to see things resolved
  • Arrows: ambition, motivation
  • Haphazard lines: frustrated, undirected
  • Trees: represent ego and ambition; a bare, droopy tree indicates lack of fighting spirit

Источник: Toronto Sun

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