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Director of Wangiping brush museum greeted the Great Chinese Calligraphy and Painting exhibition team

Dear all! I am Xu Denfeng, Director of Wangiping brush museum.

Our museum has been operational for more than 270 years, being one of the significant locations of culture in China. We know the importance of preserving one's culture and art, which is what our nation's strength is. I wish the best of success to all my Russian friends, and hope that our common cause, the preservation of the culture and history of our countries, will be passed on from generations to generations, which is what our life is all about!

Director of Wangiping brush museum greeted the Great Chinese Calligraphy and Painting exhibition team Director of Wangiping brush museum greeted the Great Chinese Calligraphy and Painting exhibition team
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Exhibition opens in 1650 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.