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Calligraphy in Kostroma: regional library hold best handwriting contest

Incidentally, the 23rd of January is a remarkable date when the National Handwriting Day is celebrated.

It also carries a considerable practical importance – in the era of computers, penmanship skills are quickly lost, and today hardly anybody can boast clear and nice handwriting (which is essential for, say, doctors or teachers).

This is why the team of the regional research library attempted to promote calligraphy skills to the extent they could, and hold the free for all best handwriting contest on January 23.

Texts to be rewritten as part of the event will focus on the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, while a jury will assess submissions in terms of legibility and neatness, the lack of slips, writing and slope consistency.

Results will be announced in a week – on January 31 diplomas will be awarded to all the top calligraphers from Kostroma, and certificates to all contestants.

If you wish to take part, feel free to attend the reading room of the research library, Sovetskaya street 73, at 4:00 PM.


Calligraphy in Kostroma: regional library hold best handwriting contestCalligraphy in Kostroma: regional library hold best handwriting contest
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Calligraphy is the art of both ideal writing and an ideal soul.