How intricate the ways of Fate are… How many remarkable coincidences Fate has in store for us…
The International Exhibition of Calligraphy project was initiated by its author together with a cohesive team as a navigator giving direction to further development of a healthy and beautiful society. One of the mottos of the current exhibition says, “Calligraphy is not only about the art of beautifully and ideally written words; to a far greater extent it is about the art of ideal spirit!”
The project initiators do hope that they managed to leave a strong imprint on the minds and hearts of all visitors and guests.
The team working on the International Exhibition of Calligraphy have good reasons to believe they realized this ambitious goal, as the exhibition was visited not only by guests and citizens of Saint-Petersburg, who decided to devote a day of their life to the art of calligraphy displayed at the Saint-Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Art, Sculpture and Architecture, but also by young couples who made a decision to unite in wedlock.
It was so symbolic to see the black and white decors of the halls alternating with the elegant black and white wedding dresses and suits. May the just married couples live happily for ever and ever! May their lives be a paragon of purity of human relations! May the pages of their lives’ chronicles that now start anew be written only with elegant and delicate lines of good fortune!
If today young people have an urge to touch the beautiful and the eternal at the very beginning of their joint conjugal life, the organizers’ mission can be considered half-accomplished. Russian society will be daily growing wiser and healthier.
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)