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A rare find in a private museum in Polazna, Perm region

On June 29, 2021, the team of the Association of Private Museums of Russia during its trip to the Perm region visited the private Old Times Museum in the town of Polazna. The Old Times Museum is a member of the Association of Private Museums of Russia and the Association of Private Museums and Collectors of the Perm Region.

In the museum, the experts saw a unique photo dated 1919. The photo depicts Red Army soldiers after the liberation of Perm from the troops of General Kolchak. It is noteworthy that the back of the photo contains information about all the Red Army soldiers in the picture, written in beautiful calligraphic handwriting. The author pointed out that two of the soldiers were involved in the assassination of the Grand Dukes. This refers to the murder of the Grand Dukes near Alapaevsk on the night of July 18, 1918.

According to the owners and founders of the museum Tamara Georgievna and Alexander Yakovlevich Roor, this picture was a present from Liudmila Afansyevna Mogilnikova, the daughter of Afanasiy Fedorovich Plyusnin, one of the Red Army soldiers, the one who had written these historical notes on the back of the photo. We hope that this rare photo will become another important piece of evidence in the investigation into the death of the Romanov family members near Alapaevsk.

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Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.