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A creative meeting was held at the Museum of Russian gusli and Chinese guqin

On March 7, the Museum of Russian gusli and Chinese guqin held a creative meeting called "Psalm Music: gusli in the world Christian culture". The ensemble of the Gusel art Workshop under the direction of Dmitry Paramonov opened the concert. The ancient music of fasting was played with a guselny accompaniment-Psalms, senior spiritual poems, ballads, penitential and funeral ritual songs. During the performance, a psalter from the museum's collection was presented. One of the tasks of the Museum of Russian Gusli and Chinese Guqin - instruments should sound and disturb the soul of a person, encouraging spiritual growth. The concert was continued by Andrei Nikolayevich Kotov - the head of the ensemble old Russian music "Sirin", continued the concert, telling the audience about the diversity of such a genre as spiritual verse, and about the Russian culture of performing spiritual music in everyday life telling the audience about the diversity of such a genre as a spiritual verse, and about the Russian culture of performing sacred music in everyday life. The museum hall was filled with sounds of an old wheel lyre, which was widely circulated among the strangers and Kaliki pilgrims.

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Calligraphy is the flower of a man′ s soul.