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A professional photo laboratory was initially designed as the centre rendering a comprehensive range of services from film processing to finishing design.

A professional photo laboratory was initially designed as the centre rendering a comprehensive range of services from film processing to finishing design.

The photo laboratory is equipped with full complex of professional facilities from the world leaders in digital photographic engineering, scanning and finishing.

PrimePhoto is a team of high-qualified professionals with many years“ experience in photography. Recent rapid development of digital technology has transformed traditional optic (analogue) in high resolution film scanning and digital printing. Our team keep pace with the time developing as rapidly as the photography. Therefore, whenever ordering photos for a family album or making use of the complex photo laboratory and picture framing studio, be sure to get guaranteed a high quality of work.

Contact: 7, 1905 Goda Str., Moscow
+7(495)250 77 41
+7(495)250 77 42

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Exhibition opens in 1664 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)