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The Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy will present a World Famous Mezuzah

A World Famous Mezuzah, a unique artifact executed by a famous Israeli calligrapher Avraham Borshevsky, is to enter into the collection of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. This sacred artifact was already recognized as a chef d’oeuvre of national calligraphy by the Israeli leading spiritual and academic authorities and has become the only work of contemporary calligraphy listed in the Guinness Book of Records. But until today in Russia this artefact has never been exhibited from Jerusalem.

The Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy will demonstrate the exhibit from October 14th to November 14th, 2009. Within the framework of the exhibition there are pieces of art from over thirty countries, such as: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, USA, Japan, China, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, Brazil, etc. as the website announces.

A mezuzah is a sacred scroll of parchment, inscribed with two excerpts from the Pentateuch, beginning with the phrase “Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One” in pursuance of one of the 613 Torah’s commandment in accordance with the sacred calligraphy canons.

Source: Oreanda, Russian news agency

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