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First Russian Museum of Calligraphy opens in Moscow

First Russian museum of pencraft – Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy – will open in the near future on the territory of Sokolniki Park in Moscow.

 “All over the world, particularly in Turkey, China, Japan, and United Arab Emirates there are museums with the permanent expositions of calligraphic works. In Russia we have not got such museums before”, - say museum founders.

Among the exponents there will be presented samples of Slavonic and European writing, foreign and Russian books in calligraphy, rare exemplars of handwritten editions, writing tools of past and present days, works of Jewish School of Calligraphy.

Basis of the Museum exposition is more than 80 excellent designed calligraphy pieces of artists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, France, Israel, Syria, the USA, Japan, China and other countries of the world. Each of these works is the gem of art drunk in the experience of masters of different generations and ancient traditions. 

The guests will see the works of the world-known calligraphers’ apprentices – those who have just started their journey into the art of calligraphy.

Source: RosBusinessConsulting

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Words Of Wisdom
Man′s beauty is in the beauty of his writing.