The International Exhibition of Calligraphy was launched in the Academy of Arts. It will operate until September 21st.
According to Pyotr Chobitko, Presidium Chairman of the National Union of Calligraphers, “there are many languages in the world. But calligraphy is a universal language that everyone understands”.
The project took nine month of intense work. During this period of time, a special commission selected around 700 works for the exhibition, but only 480 of them were exhibited in the exhibit halls of the Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture of St. Petersburg, informally known as the Academy of Arts. “We did not want to overload the wonderful interiors of the 18th — 19th centuries,” Alexey Shaburov, Director of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy explained. He also added that around 50 museum exhibits provided by the State Historical Museum and Archives of ancient manuscripts, as well as by private collectors did not enter into the exhibition. Nevertheless, the exhibition turned out to be very interesting, it has already attracted the attention of two foreign museums: from Paris and New York. If the exhibition moves forward to a real international level and tours the cities of the world, then it will be held every 4 years in St. Petersburg.
According to the organizers, this exhibition has also interested manufacturers of quill pens, technical devices and writing accessories who would like to make presentations of their products within the exposition. Master classes on calligraphy will be held for those willing to join to this art, although they are mainly oriented to professional artists.
A series of scientific studies to investigate the effect of fine motor skill on the development of the human personality will be carried out. For that purpose, we invited experts from around the world, as well as scientists of The St. Petersburg Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute. For example, calligraphy lessons can raise the level of training of Russian students. Pyotr Chobitko believes that learning calligraphy can activate hidden talents of a person and stimulate its development.
In the future, the project's organizers suggest adjusting work with children's and youth institutions. Currently we are now negotiating with Young Pioneer Palaces in St. Petersburg and with the administration of Roerich Art School (now —Tavricheskaya Art School).
Photo: Alexandr Drozdov
Source: Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti Publishing House
Back to listCalligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)