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A world’s famous chef d’oeuvre of sacred calligraphy has become the pride of the museum of calligraphy!

Today, representatives of the Israeli authorities formally handed it over to the directors of Russia’s first museum of this kind. A unique creation of a famous Israeli calligrapher Avraham Borshevsky has become the only work of contemporary calligraphy listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Until today in Russia this artefact has never been exhibited from Jerusalem. Muscovites and guests of the city will be able to see the exhibit over two months, at the world’s largest exhibition of calligraphy, which will take place in Sokolniki on October 14th, 2009.

Alexey Shaburov, Director of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy:
During my trip to Israel, I saw this unique artifact and offered to the collector to transfer it to our museum, because our museum specializes in calligraphy. A lot of people will be able to discover, understand, and know what a mezuzah is; thus we have made this offer.

Moreover, the 2nd International Exhibition of Calligraphy, which opens in Sokolniki, will feature a handwritten copy of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation. Silvio Berlusconi has made this surprise for the presidents of countries at the G8 summit this summer in July. The Russian President appreciated the gift.

Source: Stolitsa (Capital) TV-channel

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