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Hamede Mashiyati

Hamede Mashiyati

Hamede Mashiyati

Tehran, Iran



Tehran – 1983

Classic calligraphy beginning: Since 1997

Contemporary calligraphy beginning (Kereshmeh): Since 2010

Kereshmeh teaching: Since 2012


  • 3rd International exhibition calligraphies in conversation-gallery of fremont art association-2016 - USA
  • Individual calligraphy painting exhibition – Communication - Aliha gallery – 2015 - IRAN
  • Common calligraphy painting exhibition – Art party – House of artists – 2016 - IRAN
  • Common sculpture exhibition – Zigmator group – Niyavaran cultural center – 2016 - IRAN
  • Common art shop exhibition – Ormazd gallery – 2016 - IRAN
  • Common calligraphy exhibition – Kereshmeh – Aghili gallery – 2015 - IRAN
  • Common calligraphy painting exhibition – From 4th generation – Shokouh gallery – 2013 - IRAN
  • Common calligraphy painting exhibition – Ghasr museum garden – 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - IRAN
  • Common calligraphy painting exhibition – In the name of you – Milad tower – 2012 - IRAN
  • Common exhibition – Ferdowsi poster – Ma’refat cultural center and Tarane Baran gallery - IRAN

Provincial 2nd place in Nastaliq calligraphy – 1999, 2000 - IRAN

6th and 7th Kowsar festival (calligraphy painting) - IRAN

Author works

A poem by Molana

Ink on paper, 290 x 420 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1422 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.