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Evgeniya Tarasova

Evgeniya Tarasova

Evgeniya Tarasova

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Architect, graphic and calligraphy artist, teacher


Graduated from Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, specializing in architecture.

2009-2014 – supervised trainings in various techniques, including graphics, chalk pastel, printmaking and book illustrations.

2006-2016 – Architect in Zemtsov, Kondiayn and Partners. Co-author of the New Stage in the Alexandrinsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg.

2009-2017 – teaching (painting, graphics, design, original projects for city history, the art of animation movie, typography and book history talks)

Shlisselburg Art School, cooperation with the local history museum and local library in Shlisselburg, the University for Children in Saint Petersburg

Since 2016 – teacher of architectural design in Saint Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Since 2015 – student in From A to Z calligraphy school, Saint Petersburg

Exhibitions and contests:

2005 – winner of the international contest “The Garden Art” with her project of reconstructing Dobrolyubov Garden Square in Saint Petersburg

2006 – First grade diploma in the international talent competition for architectural graduation projects

2007 – participant in the annual international competition of architectural projects in Florence

2009 – participant of Ostrov Konevets (The Konevets Island) exhibition of plain-air artworks

2010 – personal graphics exhibition “Srednevekovaya Evropa” (The Medieval Europe). Winner of “Zhivoy Dom” (The Living House) architectural contest. Switzerland, Geneva. Architectural project “The Doll’s House” – an exhibition gallery pavilion at the school of arts. Winner in “The Best Social and Cultural Project 2010” nomination.

2011 – participant in “The Silver Ring of Russia. Pskov” exhibition of plain-air artworks.

2012 – participant in “Vitebsk – The City of Artists” exhibition of plain-air artworks.

2016 – participant of “The Golden Ring of Russia” exhibition of plain-air artworks, participant in Obraz I Bukva (The Image and The Letter) exhibition of calligraphy.

Author works

Layers of Impressions (handmade book)

Paper, acryl, gouache, ink, nib, Parallel pen; mixed media; 375 х 285 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1422 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears, but for the eyes.
(V. Lazursky)