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Darya Shelomkova

Darya Shelomkova

Darya Shelomkova

Yaroslavl, Russia

Graphic and calligraphy artist, book illustrator


Darya Shelomkova was born in Yaroslavl to the family of artists, ang graduated from an art school.

In 2000 she graduated from the Fine Arts department of Yaroslavl Art School, specializing as a painter and teacher.

Between 2001 and 2008 she worked as a teacher in the Children Art School No. 2 in Yaroslavl.

In 2007 Shelomkova graduated from the illustration and printmaking pision of the Graphic Arts department in Moscow State University of Printing Arts, specializing as a graphic artist.

Since 2007 to date she has been teaching Painting and Scripts in Yaroslavl Art School,

Since 2012 Shelomkova has been a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

In 2014 she started to study in Yuri Koverdyaev's and Andrey Sannikov's School of Historic Calligraphy.

Since 2016 she has been teaching calligraphy in the Academy of Calligraphy “Calligraphic”, Yuri Koverdyaev’s and Andrey Sannikov’s School of Historic Calligraphy, and in “typetypeschool”

Since 2000 Darya has been actively participating in various exhibitions.

Participation in exhibitions:

Since 2000 – a permanent exhibitor at local, regional and all-Russian exhibitions, contests and festivals.

2000 – Regional Youth Exhibition “Kult Lichnosti” (The Cult of Personality), Yaroslavl

2005 – the 2nd Festival of Youth Art “Labirinty” (The Labyrinths), Yaroslavl

2005 – the 2nd International Youth Festival of Extreme Culture “Dveri V Leto” (The Doors to Summer), the 2nd prize in “Photography” nomination

2008 – group exhibition of illustrations in Krylov Library, Yaroslavl (together with Y. Strizhova)

2008 – the 10th Regional Exhibition “The Artists of Central Russia”, Yaroslavl

2009 – regional spring, winter, youth exhibitions (Yaroslavl)

2010 – the Russian Art Exhibition “Yaroslavl Tysyacheletniy” (The Millennial Yaroslavl), Yaroslavl

2011 – the 1st International Plain-Air in honour of the historical events of the Patriotic War in 1812, Smolensk

2012 – the all-Russian Art Exhibition and Contest “The Image of the Motherland in Teacher-Painters’ Artworks”

2013 – group exhibition “Troe V Lodke” (The Three in A Boat) (D. Shelomkova, E. Romanov and D. Novikov), Yaroslavl, exhibition halls in Yaroslavl Regional Union of Artists

- Regional Anniversary Exhibition “80 Years of the Yaroslavl Regional Union of Artists”, Yaroslavl

- The 11th Interregional Exhibition “The Artists of Central Russia”, Lipetsk

2014 – group exhibition “Troe V Lodke” (The Three in A Boat) (D. Shelomkova, E. Romanov and D. Novikov), Yaroslavl, Volkov Drama Theatre

- The Second International Triennial of Graphic Arts “BIN – 2014”, “Realnosti I Fantasmagorii XXI Veka” (Realities and Phantasmagorias of the 21st Century), Saint Petersburg

- The exhibition of calligraphy celebrating the Day of Slavonic Writing and Culture, Moscow, The St. Martyr Tatiana's Cathedral

2015 – exhibition of script artworks by Darya Shelomkova's students of Yaroslavl Art School in Nekrasov Regional Library

- Regional exhibition “Knizhnaya Grafika” (Book Illustrations), a hall in Yaroslavl Regional Union of Artists

2016 – The exhibition of calligraphy celebrating the Days of Slavonic Writing and Culture, Moscow, The St. Martyr Tatiana's Cathedral

- Personal exhibition of calligraphy in Nekrasov Regional Library

- Group exhibition “Uchitel I Ucheniki” (The Teacher and the Students) in script discipline (Darya Shelomkova’s students of Yaroslavl Art School), an exhibition hall in Yaroslavl Union of Artists

- Group exhibition “Uchitel I Ucheniki” (The Teacher and the Students) in script discipline (Darya Shelomkova’s students of Yaroslavl Art School), Sobinov Regional Music College in Yaroslavl

2017 – The exhibition of calligraphy celebrating the Days of Slavonic Writing and Culture, Moscow, The St. Martyr Tatiana's Cathedral

- The exhibition of calligraphy as a part of the Days of Slavonic Writing and Culture, the Public International Foundation of Slavonic Writing and Culture, Moscow

Author works


Paper, brush marker, 210×290 mm, 2017

Shakespeare. Sonnet 45

Paper, ZIG brush markers, Copperplate, 500×600 mm, 2017.

A Quote

Paper, ink, cola-pen, 500×600 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
When there are no words left, the meaning is still preserved.