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Ardak Mukanova

Ardak Mukanova

Ardak Mukanova

Karaganda, Kazakhstan



2002-2013 – High school №66;

2005-2010 – the ‘Kron’ art school;

2013-2017 –St. Petersburg State University


- The 16th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, Poland, 2008.

- The international exhibition in New York and Beijing, 2008.

- The republican exhibition, Almaty, 2009.

- Participation in the regional qualifying round of the ‘Children are painting the world. Kazakhstan’ UNESCO project.

- The Delphic Games, 2012.

- The international exhibition of fine arts in Lidice, the Czech Republic, 2012.

- A participant of the international exhibition of illustrations, Ukraine, 2012.

- Participation in the 1st Regional Plein-Air of 2012.

- The 42nd regional scientific and practical conference at the Minor Academy of Young Researchers, 2012.

- The 38th republican scientific and practical conference at the Minor Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2012.

- An international exhibition in Hong Kong, China, 2013.

- A competition for the development of a logo for all goods produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NADLoC, JSC), 2014.

Author works


Pen, ink, paper, 60x42 cm, 2014.

A Monument in Honour of Kul Tigin

Pen, ink, paper, 65x45 cm, 2014.
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)