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Anna Vasylieva

Anna Vasylieva

Anna Vasylieva

Ufa, Russia

Teacher, designer


In 2013 Anna Vasilyeva graduated from Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University, specializing in Professional Education (Design), and started her educational career as an assistant. She worked in Bogemika private design school, where she was in charge of the Introduction to Calligraphy course. In 2015 she launched an advanced calligraphy course in Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University.

Vasilyeva has publications in the international pedagogical digests;previously she worked on the thesis “Integration of Traditional and Computer Technologies for Teaching Calligraphy”. In 2016 she was appointed to the position of Associate Dean for Research at the faculty of Art and Graphics in Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University.

Author works

Life in Motion

Paper, ink, nib, brush, broad nib, pointed nib, Vyaz script, 400 x 600 mm, 2017

Calligraphy Artist is a Dancing Master on the Pen Point

Paper, ink, watercolours, broad nib, brush, original Italic-based script, 400 x 600 mm, 2017

Don Quixote's Master

Paper, ink, watercolours, broad nib, pointed nib, brush, 400 x 600 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1667 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is frozen poetry.